Accountability/STARS Reporting
STARS - State Automated Reporting System
Instructions for CTE Portion of STARS System
CTE Courses Reportable in STARS
US Department of Education FERPA Laws & Guidance
Excerpt from memorandum issued by the US Department of Education, concerning FERPA regulations as they relate to student Social Security numbers.
- “FERPA contains several exceptions to the general rule that education records may not be disclosed without prior, written parental consent. One exception allows for disclosures to authorized representatives of the Secretary of Education, the Comptroller General, the Attorney General, and state and local educational authorities. Such a disclosure must be made in connection with an audit or evaluation of a Federal or State supported education program. The disclosure may also be made for the enforcement of or compliance with Federal legal requirements related to the Federal or State education program. The disclosure of personally identifiable student information by local education agencies and educational institutions to the Labor Department/UI Agency is for the purpose of complying with the performance reporting requirements of Perkins III, and is permissible under FERPA. ED has concluded that the Labor Department/UI Agency can be designated an authorized representative for purposes of compiling and reporting information as required by Perkins III.”
Area Career & Technology Centers (CTCs)
Area Career & Technology Center Guidelines
- Bakken Area Skills Center
- Cass County Career & Technical Education Center
- Central Regional Area Career and Technical Center
- Grand Forks Area Career and Technology Center
- Heart River Area Career and Technical Center
- James Valley Area Career and Technology Center
- Lake Area Career and Technology Center
- Minot Area Workforce Academy
- North Valley Area Career and Technology Center
- Roughrider Area Career and Technology Center
- Sheyenne Valley Area Career and Technology Center
- Southeast Region Career and Technology Center
- Southwest Area Career and Technical Education Academy
- Williston Basin Career & Technical Education Center
List of Area Centers and Member Schools
Area CTCs and Member Schools Interactive Map
CTE Course Information
Courses Eligible for CTE Funding
- All approved CTE programs are required to submit a course outline for each course taught at their school.
Civil Rights Compliance
Office for Civil Rights Compliance
An educational institution's compliance with the Office for Civil Rights Compliance Guidelines and the Carl D. Perkins Career Education Act is an important aspect of excellence in career and technical education. These guidelines and laws are used to assure citizens, parents, and legislators that every career and technical education program in every public school in the State of North Dakota is meeting the basic expectations as set forth by the U.S. Department of Education and the Department of Justice.
Federal Laws
The Federal civil rights authorizations governing career education programs are as follows:
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and implementing regulations (34 CFR Part 100) which prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin.
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and implementing regulations (34 CFR Part 100) which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and implementing regulations (34 CFR Part 104) which prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability.
The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 and implementing regulations (45 CFR Part 90) which prohibit discrimination on the basis of age.
The U.S. Office for Civil Rights' "Career Education Programs Guidelines for Eliminating Discrimination and Denial of Services on the Basis of Race, Color, National Origin, Sex and Handicap" prohibits unlawful discrimination in career education programs (OCR Guidelines, 44 CFR 17162).
The Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 was signed into law to prohibit discrimination against individuals with disabilities. Schools are affected in three ways: 1) as an employer; 2) as a provider of educational services to individuals with disabilities who benefit from programs offered; and 3) as a public or private community site which offers programs and services for the general public.
These regulations apply to each recipient of Federal financial assistance offering or administering a program of career education or training. (34 CFR 100.13; 34 CFR 106.2; 34 CFR 104.3)
Federal Office Address
Regional Office Address
U.S. Department of Education |
Chicago Office |
State Office Address | |
Michael Netzloff Nondiscrimination Compliance Program |
Grant Opportunities
Federal Coronavirus Career and Technical Education Capital Projects Grant Guidance
- North Dakota In-Demand Occupations (August 2021)
Emerging Technology
- Current List of Schools and Consortia
- Emerging Technology Core Concepts
- Emerging Technology Program Executive Summary
- Guidelines and Policies for Emerging Technology
- Module List
Grants for Innovation (STEM) RFP
Regional STEM Days for Students
STEM Innovation and Integration Matching Grant
Students Preparing for Nontraditional Fields
Work Based Learning Coordinator Grant
Grant Related Forms
- Equipment and Instructional Materials Request SFN 15263
- New Program/Expansion Funding Application SFN 15274
- Request for Interim Reimbursement SFN 15251
Contact Information
Wayde Sick, Director and Executive Officer
- 701-328-2259
Mark Wagner, Assistant State Director
- 701-328-2711
Gwen Ferderer, Finance Director
- 701-328-3168
Lorie Ruff, Program Manager
- 701-328-3180