Have you ever wondered where your education is leading you? Your education should lead to meaningful employment.
Career & Technical Education (CTE) provides relevant career training through North Dakota schools. When you enroll in a CTE course you learn by doing, and gain real-world skills that your future employers need.
CTE helps you become college and career ready.
Career & Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs)
Joining a career & technical student organization is a great way to grow your leadership skills, and ensure that you are career ready. Each student organization is affiliated with a CTE program area, that means there may also be relevant classes available at your school.
Career Planning: RUReady.ND.gov
North Dakota Career and Technical Education provides many tools to assist students in planning for their future, including
- RUReady.ND.gov
- What is RUReady.ND.gov?
- RUReady.ND.gov is a web-based career and educational planning program. Its tools will help students enhance their self-awareness, build meaningful education and career plans, and prepare and pay for their postsecondary education.
- Career Planning
- Students discover who they are, learn about careers, and prepare for a job search. Under Learn About Yourself, multiple assessments allow students to explore their interests, values, and skills. Students Explore Careers to increase career awareness while finding the best career choices for their futures. Get a Job includes tools for resume writing and interview practice to help students prepare for the world of work.
- High School Planning
- Students develop a personalized Plan of Study and follow a High School Planning Timeline. The Plan of Study ensures that students are selecting courses that support their future career goals while meeting high school graduation and college admissions requirements.
- College Planning
- Students Prepare for College with a College Planning Timeline and useful articles to help them get ready for college. They can Explore Schools to find an institution that is the perfect match for their economic, geographic, social, and academic needs. The Explore Programs and Majors tools assist students in finding a program or major that supports their future career goals. Students begin the college admissions process using the tools in Applications and Transcripts. Test Prep helps students to have the best test scores possible.
- Financial Aid Planning
- Students use information and tools to develop a plan to successfully finance their postsecondary education. They can start with the financial aid basics in Financial Aid 101. The Financial Aid Calculators help students to calculate how much they should be saving, their expected family contribution, and what it will cost to pay back their loans. Students are able to Build a Financial Plan in seven easy steps and Find Scholarships to offset some of their expenses.
- Your Portfolio
- Students can save all of their work, including assessment results, career and educational plans, saved career and education articles, saved scholarships, and job search activities. Students can assess their achievement by evaluating their progress through the Milestones. Your Profile allows students to develop goals, track activities, self-reflect, and update personal information. To fully reflect their achievements, students can attach documents including work samples, photographs, letters of recommendation, or other relevant items.
- Work-Based Learning
- Get a head start on your career by participating in a work-based learning experience.
- Virtual Reality Career Exploration - CareerView XR
- CareerView XR web-based career exploration experiences are available in www.RUReady.ND.gov for students in grades 6-12.
- Full virtual reality experiences are available to students at all public and private schools when using a VR headset. In February 2024, CVXR donated a VR headset to every public and private secondary school in North Dakota!
- Career Planning
- RUReady.ND.gov is a web-based career and educational planning program. Its tools will help students enhance their self-awareness, build meaningful education and career plans, and prepare and pay for their postsecondary education.
How can I access RUReady.ND.gov?
- Elementary Students, grades K-5
- Elementary students can explore careers using Paws in Jobland.
- Visit RUReady.ND.gov and click on the Elementary School link.
- Elementary students do not need accounts.
- Elementary students can explore careers using Paws in Jobland.
- Middle and High School Students, grades 6-12
- How to Get Started with RUReady.ND.gov, Public School Students Quick Reference Guide
- All public school students in grades 6-12 in North Dakota already have RUReady.ND.gov accounts. Students can follow the instructions in the QRG to access all of the planning features and their own personal portfolio. Students should not create new accounts.
- How to Get Started with RUReady.ND.gov, Private/Tribal/Other School Students Quick Reference Guide
- Students will follow the instructions in the QRG to create an account and access all of the planning features and their own personal portfolio.
- How to Get Started with RUReady.ND.gov, Public School Students Quick Reference Guide
- Parents
- How to Get Started with RUReady.ND.gov for Parents Quick Reference Guide
- Parents can create their own account in RUReady.ND.gov! A Parent account differs from an Adult account in that it will have the same menus and information as a Student account, allowing parents to view RUReady.ND.gov from the student perspective.
- How to Get Started with RUReady.ND.gov for Parents Quick Reference Guide
- Post-Secondary Students
- Adults
- How to Get Started with RUReady.ND.gov for Adults Quick Reference Guide
- RUReady.ND.gov can help any adult who is looking for a new job, planning to go to school or updating their resume. Use the QRG to create an account to access all tools and save your work.
- How to Get Started with RUReady.ND.gov for Adults Quick Reference Guide
- Elementary Students, grades K-5
- What is RUReady.ND.gov?
ITV & Online Course Offerings
Across North Dakota Area Career & Technology Centers (CTCs) provide CTE classes via ITV or online.
Postsecondary Information: Private Career School Transcript Requests; Reciprocity
Private Career School Transcript Request
If you attended a private postsecondary institution in North Dakota and they have closed, you may be able to get a copy of your transcript. Not all transcripts are available. This request must be completed and signed by the student who attended the institution.
- Transcript Request Form (SFN 54008)
Under the Minnesota-North Dakota Tuition Reciprocity Program, if space is available and the program of study is approved under the reciprocity agreement, a North Dakota resident may attend a Minnesota public institution and pay the established reciprocity fee. Similarly, any Minnesota resident may attend a ND public institution and pay the established reciprocity fee.
Students may apply to the North Dakota/Minnesota Tuition Reciprocity Program online with North Dakota University System.
Other Information
Search for accredited colleges, universities and programs at Council for Higher Education Accreditation
Be aware of college degree scams. Information on diploma mills can be found at Federal Trade Commission Consumer Information.
Scholarship and Recognition Opportunities
Scholarship Opportunities
- North Dakota Scholarship (link to DPI)
- North Dakota Career Builders Scholarship & Loan Repayment
- Julie Buxa Health Science Scholarship
- Reuben T. Guenthner Scholarship Application Guidelines
- American Welding Society (AWS) Foundation Scholarships and Grants
- Automotive Aftermarket Scholarships Central
- North Dakota Aviation Association FLY-ND Scholarship
Recognition Opportunities
- U.S. Presidential Scholars in Career and Technical Education
- Students are nominated for the recognition by school personnel (i.e., administrator, counselor, teacher).
- Criteria for Candidate Identification and Nomination
- Examples, Part III, Narrative:
- Nomination Window - Deadline: November 15, 2024
Search for Scholarships
- Research other local, state and national scholarships with RUReady.ND.gov. Visit RUReady.ND.gov and click on Financial Aid Planning > Scholarships. High school students - need help accessing your account? Contact your school counselor/career center.