Career Advisor Training Opportunities
Training is scheduled for:
Summer 2025 – July 9 through October 21, 2025
- (Registration Opens April 1, 2025)
- Registration Deadline: June 6, 2025
- First Session: Bismarck, July 9, 2025
- (Registration Opens April 1, 2025)
Fall 2025 - September 3 through December 16, 2025
- (Registration Opens April 1, 2025)
- Registration Deadline: Extended to August 15, 2025
- First Session: Bismarck, September 3, 2025
- (Registration Opens April 1, 2025)
- A minimum of 5 registrants are required to conduct the training, so there is a possibility of only one training.
- This training lasts for 15 weeks, has weekly assignments, four face-to-face meetings, and at least two days of required Career Resource Network workshops.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does the law (North Dakota Century Code) say about Career Advisors?
15-20.1-24. Career development facilitation – Certificate – Qualifications
The department shall develop a program leading to a certificate in career development facilitation. The department shall award the certificate to any individual who:
Holds a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution of higher education;
Has at least a five-year employment history; and
Successfully completes the department's programmatic requirements.
An individual holding a certificate awarded under this section is a career advisor.
15-20.1-25. Career development facilitation - Provisional approval
The department may provisionally approve an individual to serve as a career advisor if the individual:
Holds a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution of higher education;
Has at least a five-year employment history; and
Provides the department with a plan for completing the department's programmatic requirements within a two-year period.
Provisional approval under subsection 1 is valid for a period of two years and may not be extended by the department.
15.1-06-19. Counselor positions – Requirement
Beginning with the 2010-11 school year, each school district must have available one full-time equivalent counselor for every three hundred students in grades seven through twelve.
Up to one-third of the full-time equivalency requirement established in subsection 1 may be met by career advisors.
For purposes of this section, a "career advisor" means an individual who holds a certificate in career development facilitation issued by the department of career and technical education under section 15-20.1-24 or an individual who is provisionally approved by the department of career and technical education under section 15-20.1-25 to serve as a career advisor.
15.1-06-20. Career advisor – Duties
A career advisor shall provide sequential career development activities, current career information, and related career exploration opportunities to students in grades seven through twelve. A career advisor shall use computer-assisted career guidance systems and work at the direction and under the supervision of the school district counseling staff.
What is a Career Advisor?
A Career Advisor is a person who incorporates career development information or skills in his/her work with students, parents, or school staff. A Career Advisor has received in-depth training in the areas of career development in the form of up to 120+ class/instructional hours, provided by a nationally trained and qualified instructor.
What does a Career Advisor do?
A Career Advisor:
Provides career information to students, staff and parents
Compiles resource lists for students, staff and parents
Facilitates classroom career exploration activities
Maintains student career portfolios
Coordinates job shadows, career fairs, college visits, job interviews, etc.
Prepares students with employment-seeking skills
Administers and interprets interest assessments
Utilizes working knowledge of RUReady.ND.gov (internet-based career information system)
Do you have to be a teacher in order to be a Career Advisor?
No. You do not have to be a licensed teacher to be a Career Advisor. However, if the Career Advisor is not a licensed teacher, then a North Dakota licensed teacher must be present.
What are the requirements to become a Career Advisor?
A Career Advisor must have:
A bachelor’s degree in any field
At least a five-year employment history, three years of which must be outside the educational field
Completed the programmatic requirements as set forth by the Department of Career and Technical Education (See below.)
What training does a Career Advisor receive?
As part of the programmatic requirement stated in the Century Code, the Department of Career and Technical Education has determined:
A Career Advisor must complete the Facilitating Career Development Training established by National Career Development Association.
This training consists of 120+ training hours on the following topics:
Helping skills (attending, listening, reflecting, encouraging)
Diverse populations (definitions, barriers, attitudes)
Ethical and legal issues
Career development models
Assessment (formal and informal, qualifications to administer them)
Labor market information and resources
Employability skills
Training clients and peers
Program management and implementation (developing a program of work)
Promotion and public relations
After completing the training, career advisors must obtain and maintain:
- a Global Career Development Facilitator credential issued by the Center for Credentialing and Education
- a Certified Career Services Provider credential from the National Career Development Association.
For more information about these credentials, please visit their websites.
How much does the training cost and who pays for it?
The Department of Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides the training free of charge for Career Advisors who are contracted for this position. In addition, CTE will reimburse trainees (or trainees’ schools) for travel expenses such as meals, lodging, and mileage at approved state rates.
How much does a Career Advisor get paid?
Career advisors must be contracted by a school. The contracting school sets the pay rate.
I’m interested in becoming a Career Advisor, but I’m not sure that I will work in a school. Can I still take the training?
At this time CTE’s first priority remains to those individuals who will be serving as career advisors in North Dakota schools serving grades 7-12. If the class limit of 20 is not met, there may be opportunities for other individuals to receive the training.
Do I have to have the training before I can be hired?
No. The Department of Career will issue provisional credentials for Career Advisors who have been contracted and are working on completing the career development facilitator training.
Is the Career Advisor the only person who attends the training?
Usually yes. However, some of the training sessions will require the school counselor, career advisor and possibly an administrator to attend together to help with overall planning of the counseling program. As the law states, the school counselor staff will act as a supervisor for the Career Advisors. Therefore, it is important for the school counseling staff and administration to attend the trainings to understand the role and boundaries of the Career Advisors.
How will the training be delivered?
The training will be delivered as a hybrid course, meaning:
A combination of face-to-face meetings and online sessions
Regionalized training across the state when possible
How long will the training take?
Training will be paced to be completed in 15 weeks.
How does a person register for the training?
Registration for sessions is online: REGISTER FOR CAREER ADVISOR TRAINING