Coordinated Plans of Study 2024-25
Agricultural Education Coordinated Plans of Study
Business Education Coordinated Plans of Study
Family and Consumer Sciences Coordinated Plans of Study
Health Sciences Education Coordinated Plans of Study
Information Technology Coordinated Plans of Study
Marketing Education Coordinated Plans of Study
Technology & Engineering Education Coordinated Plans of Study
Trade, Industry, and Technical Education Coordinated Plans of Study
Coordinated Plans of Study 2023-24
Agricultural Education Coordinated Plans of Study
Business Education Coordinated Plans of Study
Family and Consumer Sciences Coordinated Plans of Study
Health Sciences Education Coordinated Plans of Study
Information Technology Coordinated Plans of Study
Marketing Education Coordinated Plans of Study
Technology & Engineering Education Coordinated Plans of Study
Trade, Industry, and Technical Education Coordinated Plans of Study
Coordinated Plans of Study 2022-23
Agricultural Education Coordinated Plans of Study
Business Education Coordinated Plans of Study
Family and Consumer Sciences Coordinated Plans of Study
Health Sciences Education Coordinated Plans of Study
Information Technology Coordinated Plans of Study
Marketing Education Coordinated Plans of Study
Technology & Engineering Education Coordinated Plans of Study
Trade, Industry, and Technical Education Coordinated Plans of Study
Coordinated Plans of Study 2021-22
Agricultural Education Coordinated Plans of Study
Business Education Coordinated Plans of Study
Family and Consumer Sciences Coordinated Plans of Study
Health Sciences Education Coordinated Plans of Study
Information Technology Coordinated Plans of Study
Marketing Education Coordinated Plans of Study
Technology & Engineering Education Coordinated Plans of Study
Trade, Industry, and Technical Education Coordinated Plans of Study
North Dakota Career and Technical Education (CTE) Coordinated Plans and Eligibility Criteria for the ND CTE Scholarship Program
There are many Coordinated Plans of Study for students to choose from to complete the “two credit plan of study” requirement specified in Section 15.1-21-02.4 of the North Dakota Century Code.
The plans of study are organized by the eight ND CTE Program Areas:
- Agricultural Education
- Business Education
- Family and Consumer Sciences Education
- Health Sciences Education
- Information Technology Education
- Marketing Education
- Technology and Engineering Education, and
- Trade, Industry, and Technical Education
How to use the Coordinated Plans of Study (EXAMPLE)
- The figure below lists courses included in the “Individual and Family Studies” Coordinated Plan of Study, it is the first coordinated plan of study listed for Family and Consumer Sciences.

- To complete two “units” of credit in this coordinated plan of study, a student chooses two or more courses to equal that number of credits.
- The following is an example of how a student might fulfill the two-credit requirement:
- 09025 – Independent Living (for 1 credit)
- 09129 – Individual & Family Health (for 1/2 credit), and
- 09130 – Parenting (for 1/2 credit)
There are countless combinations of courses that students can take to complete the 2 required credits from one of NDCTE’s Coordinated Plans of Study. The additional two CTE credits required for the CTE Scholarship can come from any CTE course for grades 9-12 listed at the Department of Public Instruction website.
Please note: Barring individual school requirements, unless the description of the course on the DPI website indicates that the course requires a prerequisite, or the course is in a “numbered sequence, I, II, III” students can take the courses listed on the Coordinated Plans of Study in any order. They do not have to be taken in any sequence. (Again, this holds true unless an individual school has made other decisions regarding course sequencing for their school.)
For a complete listing of MIS03 course codes, visit the DPI website:
DPI looks at the course codes reported on teachers’ MIS03s to determine the courses included in a school’s curriculum. (Please remember - teachers must be licensed to teach the course work (by ESPB); however, CTE credentialing is not required for teachers, nor does a class have to be taught within a CTE funded program.)
For more information or clarification please contact:
Kelly Pierce, Career Development Supervisor
ND Department of Career and Technical Education
600 E Boulevard Ave
Bismarck, ND 58505-0610