Registration is open for school year 2024-25 workshops!
Current Offerings: Basics Workshop (New Users) Basics (New Users)
Registration is closed for the September 2024 workshop offerings.
This workshop is an overview of the career and academic tools available through NDCTE, with the focus being on and the Professional Center.
The Basics workshop will give you the foundational knowledge you need to get started using RUReady with your students/clients.
- Student Account Single Sign On
- Career Planning
- The Work-based Learning Module
- High School Planning
- College Planning
- Your Portfolio
- Lesson Plans
- Professional Center Accounts
- Methodize Online ACT Test Prep in
- Other NDCRN Resources
Learning Objectives/Targets
- Participants will work within a student test account to learn the various components of the website.
- Participants will explore the distinction between administrative and professional levels of access in the RUReady.ND Professional Center and review the “Pro Center” resources.
- Participants will develop a plan identifying the parts of the systems most appropriate for use by students in grades 6-12 for college and career planning.
- Participants will explore the new Work-based Learning Module and determine the best fit for this resource in their program.
Who Should Attend?
- Those unfamiliar with or those who have not used for some time and would like a reintroduction.
- Counselors
- Career Advisors
- Work-based Learning Coordinators
- Teachers
- Administrators
- Anyone at your school or agency that would like to learn more about!
Workshop is in-person only and will not be streamed or recorded. There is no cost to attend the Career Resource workshops.
Take RUReady to the Next Level
Take RUReady to the Next Level
Registration is closed for the October 2024 workshop offerings.
Expand your knowledge of the features in Your students will benefit by utilizing site components in a strategic planning model.
This workshop is for those that are experienced in using or who have attended the Basics workshop.
Learning Objectives/Targets
- Participants will review any updated and new materials.
- Participants will determine how to incorporate new materials and features into their career planning process.
- Participants will use the various components of the website to increase usage of the following features Career Planning, High School Planning, College Planning, Financial Aid Planning, Portfolio and Methodize-Test prep.
- Participants will learn how to use the Work-based Learning Module and build a WBL program using this resource.
- Learn how to use Compass Profile for managing the 4-Year Rolling Plan
Who Should Attend?
- Counselors
- Career Advisors
- Work-based Learning Coordinators
- Teachers
- Administrators
- Anyone at your school or agency that would like to learn more about!
Workshop is in-person only and will not be streamed or recorded. There is no cost to attend the Career Resource workshops.
Career Professional In-Service
Career Professional In-Service
Registration Open
Learning Objectives/Targets
- Engage with industry experts and representatives from postsecondary institutions as they share information about education and career opportunities in your region.
- Experience firsthand the inner workings of a local business or industry with a guided tour, providing valuable insight into the real-world career environment.
- Legislative updates from the 2025 Legislative Session.
Who Should Attend?
- Counselors
- Career Advisors
- Work-based Learning Coordinators
- Teachers
- Administrators
- Anyone at your school or agency that would like to learn more about!
Workshop is in-person only and will not be streamed or recorded. There is no cost to attend the Career Resource workshops.
Workshop Resources and Handouts
The hard copy materials you need to participate in workshops will be provided to you. Basics:
- Basics Workshop Materials Packet (Contains additional materials not printed in hard copy for participant's workshop folders)
- Basics PowerPoint Presentation
- Golden Path Solutions Presentation
- Quick Links Handout/Printed Packet (Set up to print back to back)
- RUReady Scavenger Hunt - Fillable
Take RUReady to the Next Level
- Next Level Workshop Materials Packet
- Next Level PowerPoint Presentation
- Golden Path Solutions Presentation
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